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Debt 4K - Adelle Sabelle

2021-6-27   ·   【在线】欧美

Adelle is another victim of the financial system. She sees - she likes - she buys. She doesn’t care what’s the source of the money she uses for this, because she has no money of her own for a long time, there is only bank money! She overdue payments on two credit cards for a total of $ 4,300, and I came to her home to remind her of this and also pick up something from what she purchased. For example, I loved that large TV in the living room and a nice leather sofa, as well as the Audi car in the courtyard. Adelle really didn’t like my idea. Well, for young and sexy chicks, I always have plan B. I unzipped my pants and took out my strong cock... Offer accepted?